Thursday, November 8, 2012

Writer's Workshop - Let the WInter Games Begin

I can't believe that it's the eighth of November already! Where has this year gone? Any minute now, we'll be breaking out our parka's and ski boots while the smell of hot cocoa surrounds us. (Ok, I don't actually ski. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that people actually want to spend time out in sub zero weather, for FUN! Too cold for me. I like cocoa though...)

Tis the season! Winter will soon be here, bringing with it snow, and cold, and Christmas, and holidays, and cheer. What better way to start winter off then a bucket list of all the things I want to do this season? (Can hibernate be an option?)

1. Make every Christmas candy/cookie/fudge/punch/cocoa/breakfast/dessert on Pinterest. I may gain all of the  71 lbs I just lost back, but it'd be worth it!

Red Velvet TriflePeppermint Bark Cheesecake. Christmas Dessert!!

2. Snowball fight with the kids. (Or at least watch them snow ball fight. Anti cold and all) Dude #2 really wants to play in the snow this year. It'll be his first time, because he was too little last year. And dude #1 really wants to too, although he has never wanted to before. I am dying to see them do this! Granted, I think they are going to last a total of five minutes before they are desperate to come inside and sit on top of the heater.

3. Start elf on a shelf. I didn't do this with #1. I didn't even know about it. I know, where was I right? Pinterest teaches me so many things!

4. Go on a vacation! What better time to appreciate warm and sunny weather then when it's -42 degrees out?

5. Stop being afraid of driving in the snow. People all joke that we Buffalonians drive 90 mph on the thruway in a blizzard, while on a cellphone cooking our dinner. (I have seen that.) Sure, lots of crazy people do. Me? I'm the person on the thruway driving 5 mph, white knuckling it all the way. And I've lived here my whole life!

6. Watch "A Christmas Story" for 24 hours straight. I love that movie! "You'll shoot your eye out!" I always get outvoted when it's on TV, but I'm a gonna make it happen!

7. Learn to craft.....something. When you're stuck inside, and the kids are asleep, what else is there to do? People on Pinterest must have lots of time on their hands, they can make all sorts of nifty things out of a paperclip and an empty toilet paper tube. Maybe I can start by not gluing my arm to the floor?
Glass jars, twine, and spray paint.

8. Catch up on reading. Sure, I read all the books, art books, cases, memorandums. All school stuff. My Kindle has a back log of books I am dying to sink into. When school is in session, I turn into a hermit. Thank god it's only a few more weeks!

9. Graduate! That's right folks, this December is my last month at ECC! While this is not the end of my college career, I will still be the proud owner of an AAS in Paralegal studies! Whoop Whoop!

10. Make frozen bubbles with the kids. Ok, I know I said I'm all anti-cold and all, and I am! But I don't want to miss a minute of making memories with my family. And this is super cool! Go outside on any day when it’s below 32 degrees F and blow a bubble and then catch it on the bubble wand. Wait a few moments while it freezes - it will turn into a cool crystal ball before it shatters! It's fun and sciency at the same time, what more could you ask for?

What's on your winter to do this season?

I linked up with Mama Kat, who always manages to get me to put down my school work to blog. Go check her out!


  1. The frozen bubble thing sounds cool! I too hate driving in the snow and I've lived in Wisconsin all my life. And A Christmas Story marathon is a tradition here!

    1. I am envious on your Christmas Story tradition!

  2. Frozen bubbles? Awesome. My daughter absolutely loves bubbles...who knew we could have fun with them in winter, too? Thanks for the idea - came by from Mama Kat's.
